Saturday, February 20, 2010

Big Change on the Powertrain!

After almost finishing the motor on my bug disaster struck. The heads revealed cracks under the carbon deposits on the exhaust valve. Obviously the machine shop just put new guides new valves and considered this a valve job... I always say it is better to DO IT YOURSELF! On my attempt to tear down the heads I damaged one of them and started looking for some performance 40mmX35mm heads. This is the point where I changed sides! The dark side won and I found a new engine project for my beetle. The engine is a 1985 Subaru 1.8L boxer engine that came with the adapter plate for the vw trans axle. No time was lost, I swapped motors and started rebuilding the Subaru engine.
The motor was torn down cleaned measured and inspected for damage.

1 comment:

arumugam said...

I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.

In-Car Infotainment