Sunday, November 1, 2009

Almost a Year!

I haven't kept up with my blog for the longest time!!! I am almost ready to start assembly on the engine. I have bought a set of pistons and cylinders 85.5mm CB performance con-rods a lightened flywheel from SSP and some end play shims to set the end float on the crank. I have trial fitted the crank and con-rods in the crankcase and found out a clearance problem with the stock pistons. Since I am using an unorthodox combination of a 76mm Stroker crankshaft and stock size pistons I am on my own to find out what fits and what HITS! I set up the engine case on the stand and fitted the crankshaft and 1 connecting rod along with one cylinder to find out if I need to trim anything in the engine. Well the skirts of all the pistons at the bottom stroke would bind up on the crankshaft web. I measured how much I needed to trim of the skirts and I trimmed them down on a milling machine at work. So far so good, I hope the last and hold on for a lot of miles!! After milling about 5mm (2.5mm on each side) of all the pistons I weighted them and found out that only took off 2 grams off. All of them measured out the same even with rings c-clips and pins on them. Next in line is to build a set of cylinder shims to compensate for the increase of the stroke. My intention is to bring the compression of the motor to about 7.5-7.8:1 since I am going to be using a turbocharger on it. There is a formula that roughly calculates what kind of spacer you need based on the stroke of your crankshaft. The stock crank is 69mm and the one I used is 76mm. You take the difference of the two which is 7mm and divide by 2 and in my case I need 3.5mm spacer on the bottom of the cylinders to get back to the stock compression. I am going to try and get this done this week in order to start cleaning again and measure everything out before I go and buy some nice cylinder heads.